Friday, January 20, 2017

Intern-International Financial Institutions - Partnerships and Resource Mobilization - UNDP - New York, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA - Closing Date : 05-Feb-17

Intern-International Financial Institutions - Partnerships and Resource Mobilization - UNDP - New York, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA - Closing Date : 05-Feb-17

Apply for this Job : 

Application Deadline :05-Feb-17 (Midnight New York, USA)
Time left :16d 1h 22m
Type of Contract :Internship
Post Level :Intern
Languages Required :English  
Starting Date :
(date when the selected candidate is expected to start)
Duration of Initial Contract :3-6 months (negotiable)
Expected Duration of Assignment :3-6 months (negotiable)


The Bureau of External Relations and Advocacy (BERA) is responsible for UNDP’s external relations and advocacy functions. The Bureau leads and supports the organization in cultivating, building and nurturing strategic relationships and alliances that are essential for advancing and successfully achieving the mission of UNDP. These relationships encompass a wide range and number of key constituencies and development partners, that includes programme countries, existing and prospective donor countries/emerging economic powers, multilateral institutions such as the IFIs, the European Commission, civil society, the private sector, foundations, academia and think tanks, the wider UN system, various UN inter-governmental bodies, as well as global, regional and national media. The main functions of BERA are (1) Resource mobilization, coordination and partnership management (2) UN & Multilateral coherence; and (3) External Communication to raise UNDP’s profile and improve communication.  BERA’s top priorities over the next 12 months are fundraising and positioning of UNDP in light of the recently agreed Agenda 2030 for sustainable development and UN reform imperatives.
BERA consists of the Directorate, Strategic Analysis Unit and three Groups: Partnerships (PG) Communications (CG), and UN System Affairs (UNSAG).  In addition, BERA has Representation Offices in five major donor capitals and regional advisors posted in each of the five UNDP regional hubs.
The Partnerships Group (PG) facilitates UNDP’s partnerships and actively supports resource mobilization for UNDP’s work globally from governmental and non-governmental actors alike. Within PG, the Financial Institutions Team (FIT) was established in mid-2015 to work across UNDP to support corporate, regional and country-specific collaboration with International Financial Institutions (IFIs), multilateral development banks, regional, sub-regional and national development banks.

Duties and Responsibilities

Under the overall guidance and direction of the FIT Team Leader, the Intern will undertake tasks from the list below. Learning and mentoring as well as facilitating exposure to a range of experiences for the intern will be an explicitly targeted goal during the internship.
International Financial Institutions (IFIs), Development Banks (DBs) 
  • Analyze status of collaboration between International Financial Institutions (IFIs), Development Banks (DBs)and central/national banks with UNDP;
  • Identify recurring bottlenecks/gaps of IFI/DB/UNDP collaboration; opportunities and projects for replication; case studies;
  • Collect and analyze information, policies and procedures, and case studies related to IFIs and DBs collaboration with UNDP; as well as material from external sources (including from other UN agencies) for comparative analysis and to incubate innovative approaches and ideas;
  • Contribute to guidance notes and partnership notes summarizing key aspects of UNDP’s work IFIs and Development Banks;
  • Develop presentations and talking points on key issues related to UNDP’s engagement with IFI/DBs for use in various fora;
  • Assist the delivery of demand-driven advisory services in the areas of IFI partnerships and resource mobilization to country offices through UNDP’s regional partnerships advisors, including for crisis countries;
  • Support the development of regional and country-specific IFI mappings and trend analysis;
  • Support communication and dissemination of information including the development of outreach materials/products;
  • Support to knowledge management through analysis, lessons learned, enhancing web/intranet presence and use of social media;
  • Support the organization of missions, meetings, events, webinars, etc; prepare meeting minutes/notes to file; and undertake follow-up actions as needed.
  • Perform other duties as may be required.
Outputs/ Deliverables/ Reporting Requirements
  • Analysis/mapping of UNDP collaboration with IFI/Development Banks undertaken;
  • IFI/DBs-specific two-pagers or guidance notes developed;
  • Standard Presentations developed; talking points gathered or developed;
  • Support to the development of briefs for high-level visits, meetings and other outreach activities;
  • Outreach/communications materials produced, e.g. consolidated regional updates, and Intranet/web presence updated and enhanced;  
  • Support provided to UNDP offices;
  • Country specific analysis of IFI policy and practice and other types of support provided to UNDP regional and country offices.
  • Research analyses and inputs to UNDP corporate policies on IFI partnerships and RM.
  • Analyse and assist compilation of planning and reporting with respect to BERA’s Integrated Work Plan (IWP).
  • General administration and logistical support provided including meetings, events, workshops, teleconferences, webinars, etc.


  • Promotes the vision, mission and strategic goals of UNDP
  • Proven understanding of international development, development financing and multilateralism particularly the UN system
  • Excellent analytical and data handling capability
  • Good understanding and experience in current knowledge management technologies
  • Excellent organizational, general administration, time management skills
  • Strong English language skills (oral and written)
  • Demonstrates strong computer skills and ability to produce information visually
  • Ability for problem-solving, multi-tasking, meet deadlines and work under pressure, strong follow-up skills
  • Ability to work as part of a team in a constantly evolving work environment

Required Skills and Experience

  1. Enrollment in graduate school programme (second university degree or equivalent or higher).
  2. Enrollment in the final academic year of a university degree programme (minimum Bachelor’s level or equivalent)
  3. A university degree (as defined in (a) and (b) above) within one year of graduation
  4. The internship must start within one year of graduation.
Years of experience:
  • Relevant national/international experience in development, international relations, financing, management, communications, business consulting, knowledge management or related field.
  • Have a valid visa to work in the US;
  • Letter of endorsement from a faculty member who has worked with the student in the recent past and who is knowledgeable on the student’s performance;
  • Complete and sign the “Application Form” which is available at
  • UNDP only accepts interns for a minimum of 6 weeks and a maximum of 6 months.
  • UNDP does not pay for internships. Interns are not financially remunerated by UNDP .The costs associated with the latter must be borne by the nominating institution, related institution or government, which may provide the required financial assistance to its students; or by the student, who will have to obtain financing for subsistence and make his or her own arrangements for travel, accommodation, etc.
  • Proof of medical and life/accident insurance valid for the location in which the internship will be carried out (i.e. New York, USA).
  • Have medical and life insurance.